Millennials on the Move Reception at Westin Virginia Beach Town Center

by CoVaBizMag

Photos by David Uhrin

On June 7, CoVa Biz held an awards reception honoring the Millennials on the Move 2018 at a luxurious Westin Residence marketed by Howard Hanna Real Estate Services at Westin Virginia Beach Town Center. Young professionals and their guests gathered for an evening of craft beer and wine provided by Towne Mortgage, superb catering provided by Sweetwater Cuisine, sweet desserts from Twisted Sisters Cupcakes, breathtaking views of Virginia Beach and a special awards presentation recognizing the best and brightest young talent in Coastal Virginia.

Millennials were nominated online by their colleagues and coworkers (or millennials were invited to nominate themselves) and then chosen by a panel of local business professionals for exemplifying success in their professions while also working within the community to advance the region as a whole.

Congratulations to all of our Millennials on the Move 2018, and a special thanks to our sponsors Howard Hanna Real Estate Services and Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer!

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