Face of Credit Card Processing: Altor/50

by CoVaBizMag

Did you ever think you could process credit cards at lower rates for your business and at the same time give back to your community? Altor/50 does just that!

Altor/50 is a local company backed by a global processor Elavon/USBank with 100% credit card optimization. Mastercard rated Elavon #1 for customer service, reliability and speed of network.

Ed Hopper and Lindsey Shortridge have been working in the industry in Hampton Roads for over 28 years. Whether it’s retail, restaurant or ecommerce, Altor/50 can set up your business to accept credit cards. If you need a better system, or want to be able to do recurring billing or set up your own gift card program, they can help!

In 2018, Ed decided to take the company in a different direction, and Altor/50 was formed. When they set up merchants for processing, half of the profits Altor/50 makes go to help one of their many charity partners.

“Our goal is to save the merchants money first and on top of that, help charities with each transaction!”

“Saving money and helping charities is always a great thing.”

To find out how to become a customer or a charity partner, email Foundation@Altorgivesback.com or give Altor/50 a call.

833-ALTOR50 (833-258-6750)

Pictured in Feature Photo: Lindsey Shortridge, Sales Manager and Ed Hopper, Altor CEO

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